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Unpacked Natural Food

The first Unpacked Tahini

  100% Organic Sesame

 Healthy  &


100% Organic Sesame

The best protein and fat substitution for Vegan / Vegatarian 

Rich with Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin B and much more!



We are the only ones who sell Tahini and Halva without packaging

Fair price

We believe that organic food can be affordable!

Where to find us:
Organic Shops / Food Markts
About us

About us: Erez Zamir & Naline Margraf

On January 2016 we have got the idea of making it possible for people to get more types of Unpacked and Healthy Food. So this is what we're doing :)

The Bulk Food Movement is growing a lot and making a real change in the way we consume and produce waste, and we truly believe that now it's a time that a significant change is possible - and we all are responsible and able to support this change.

Join us - and let's do it!

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